Monday, August 24, 2009

Goodbye Blog!

Hello blog and blog followers,

Thank you so much for reading this over the last eight months. Its been really fun to write about everything an keep you up to date. Now, though, the Australian adventure is over and the final year of my bachelor degree is about to start. And yes, I am terrified. However, I think I've got a pretty good idea for my collection and lets all hope it turns out beautifully.
I was back in BC for five weeks, to see family and friends and calm down a bit before I head back to the big city. Those five weeks were filled with fires and flat tires, an awesome trip to Tsuniah Lake Lodge and many great days at the cabin (before and after the Terrace Mountain Fire).
So great summer and now I'm back in Toronto and ready for the mayhem and chaos to begin. And then, when that is over, the next adventure will begin...and I may just find myself writing another blog about another terrific place and time. I'm hoping you are having a blast making your own magnificent stories and would love to hear about them!