Buenos Dias on Dia Dos.
The Spanish is slowly coming along. It is definitely a necessity here in Peru. Most important are markets, greetings, money and food. Directions are also helpful. Getting lost, not so much. So what have we discovered in the last two days? We're living in Miraflores, a very nice suberb of Lima. The hostel is great - its called Casa Rodas and is run by Mercedes, Ronald and Rosa. Ronald is in his 20s and is pretty fluent in English so there are some hillarious conversations going on back and forth. Yesterday we just got settled and then took a walk through town to find some dinner, came back to the hostel and had a pretty chill night.
Today, the plan was to take on Miraflores and all its glorious sights, but our fearless leader got hit by the lovely travelling food bug and was out of commission for the morning. Bean and I stepped in, with a whole lot of help from our lone spanish speaking groupie. Actually Bean and I did very little other than point in the direction we thought we should be going and stopping people from getting hit by cars when crossing the street. So we trecked on without Erica and took on the market, where Craig, Kristine and I realized we are totally oblivious when it comes to money talk. Quanto: how much? Viente-Seente: s/ 25
Thats about it.
ps. Kev I got you a wicked gift.
Next we headed towards the ocean where we took in the sights of water, surfers and paragliders from a cliff high above the beach. Its absolutely beautiful, with a boardwalk running all along the cliff edge. Breathtaking really.
We got back home, Erica was her usually peppy self again, so we went to the grocery store and got all the fixings for a grand Italian dinner. Spanish lessons followed, complete with a never ending cribbage game conversed in Spanish.
Now to bed, as we are gettig up early tomorrow to head to the project sigh sooo...
Buenos noches and hasta manana (good night and see you tomorrow)!
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